Why should we consider allergies seriously and start treatment at the earliest?
Allergic diseases if not treated properly by a trained allergy specialist can progress e.g; if allergic rhinitis is not controlled, asthma can develop later.
Repeated cough,repeated sinus, ear and chest infections.patient will be forced to take antibiotics almost once in every 2 wks.
Night cough interfering with sleep and thereby causing day time fatigue, sleepiness, poor concentration, road traffic accidents, absent from school and work etc…
Exercise induced asthma can develop there by resulting in inability to take part in sports which may inturn induce depression , especially in children.
Psychological problem may occur especially due to itching of skin in public in children with skin allergies.
Growth retardation -final height of the child is affected.
Poor weight gain due to recurrent infections in paediatric age group.
Recurrent hospitalizations causing a huge economic burden in the family.
Causes poor quality of life.